Archives for category: Molecules of Emotion

Whilst making these drawings in my journal I was thinking about how we experience the act of disseminating emotions throughout the body. Is it purely chemical? Or electrical?Or a combination of the two, or is there a more elaborate system that centres within the brain that causes the virtual experience which we act upon.


pencil and marker pen A4, 2016

molecules of emotion

pencil and marker pen A4, 2016

I have expressed the means of mobility as these unknown elements move about delivering their messages to ourselves and depending on their strength the outward signs we display to the felt emotion.

molecules of emotion

pencil A4 2016


The experimentation continues into my practice, using the response of my fans on Instagram to get a general feel as to the direction my work should take. Even when the work appears bipolar, the response is mixed for either my freehand work ~v~ using geometry instruments.


Molecule of Emotion

Or abstract ~v~ figurative, it just depends on the individual person as to which connection occurs between the viewer and the painting. Therefore less about my feelings for the work after it is finished, I just need to put it out there for the right viewer to find it. So my next post I will produce a series of like works and continue in concentrating on the process of completing work.

Paper collage,sculptural collage by the artist Roger Gregory, producing quirky and collectable art.



It has been an interesting few weeks looking back at my molecules of emotion period which for the last three years had given way to new directions and experimentation with my art work, even to re-furnishing this website.

Though I must say I find the greatest strength when working the title molecules of emotion into my practice. Here is a reminder of three pieces taken from my research journal.IMG_6128

None of these mixed media abstract paintings have been titled, each made from ink on tissue paper, collaged together with an acrylic paint wash.IMG_6131IMG_6152

There is an autonomy about the work, the emotions taking control over the direction and the final result each painting will become.


July journal work

collage research by artist Roger Gregory



The immediacy of the collage process has captured my thoughts over the past couple of weeks, it distracts and attracts the mind at the same time. There is a quality of pareidolia, a phenomena that Ive been interested in for several years now, wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern  or image where none actually exists… Nonetheless my work isn’t seeking to achieve this psychological aberration, its just an accidental by-product, although an interesting one.

Journal work July 2015

collage art by Gregory,ink and paint

                  Gregory July 2015


It has been some considerable time since I used the human figure in my work, yet this anonymous figure could easily represent either one of us who may be experiencing the object within the work. An object that is also an unknown commodity, perhaps it is about the things that we have lost, possessions we once owned, a regret.

Although we all see things from or own unique perspectives, the narrative of this piece will be of your own choosing, so play with it as you will. I have more work to do today, so I will post some more later.

I have made a refreshing change from making 350mm diameter works to 35mm works, again using foam and coating them in white plastic. Here is my first attempt, and I am looking forward to adding some surface covering…I might use a sharpie first to see what results i can get.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, polystyrene

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, hand made

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, liquid plastics

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, hand made,

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, moulded thermal plastic,

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, sculpture

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture,

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, moulded plastic,

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, white plastic

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Gregory, artist, new work,plastic sculpture, thermoplastic,

Gregory, small thoughts I, Jan 2015.

Sculpture by the artist Gregory, Possibilities VI made in the autumn of 2014

Gregory, Possibilities VI, 2014

A powdered blue finish on wire works effectively against the grey, with powder gentle settling on the surface giving the impression of internal movement, an ambiguity of existence and non-existence, what messages are contained inside, good, bad or indifferent, that is for you to decide, or does this work hold no meaning to you whatsoever.

A dangerous customer

So what? I ask of myself, if it has meaning or not, it had to some input from me to create it in the first place. Though I will admit that I had help from a couple of friends who offered a few alternative ideas to the powdered finish and the suggested CR5 crystalline silica…caution this is a dangerous substance causing silicosis. I will be looking for a less hazardous substance, if anyone knows what alternatives are available please drop me a line. Though i would like to keep the powder effect and the intensity of the colour.



painting by Gregory,fine art,contemporary painting by Gregory

Gregory 2014 “Which way”

Last evening the weather was excellent, though it was overshadowed by the turn out to the Sisyphus Exhibition. A community based venue, at the Park Farm shopping centre in Allestree, Derby, a space far removed from a white cube gallery or museum. The early nervous tension was palpable, would people show up!!! Here’s the answer :-

Sisyphus,contemporary art exhibition, sculpture exhibition,derby fine art exhibition, gregory exhibition,

Sisyphus Exhibition, Derby, May 16th 2014.


Below is my sculpture ” Unheard Comment” that attracted a lot of interest during the opening, in fact I was quietly taken aback by the positive comments for my work. Thank you to all.


Sisyphus Exhibition, Derby, May 16th 2014.

Exhibition is on weekdays and Saturday mornings after 11am, from 17th May to 2nd June 2014.

gregory exhibition of sculpture

Tower of Thought ,sculpture,contemporary sculpture,anatomical sculpture,art,

Gregory, MoE. “Tower of Thought” 2014.

This week I’ve scaled up “Tower of Thought” to the half a metre mark, in fact all the three sculptures in this family group will be just over the half a metre scale. I have used scrim coated with plaster to coat over the armature, and the detailing will begin next week before starting on the other two pieces.

I must also check my table covering for scribbles that may mean something…ideas that is for future works, I tend to scribble ideas down all over the studio and I must admit that some just end up in the rubbish bin, I know, lost masterpieces…not…lol.

Tower of Thought ,sculpture,contemporary sculpture,anatomical sculpture,art,plaster sculpture,

Gregory, MoE. “Tower of Thought” 2014.