Archives for category: Drawing


Defining a line within my work is not just an arbitrary decision, it has to be correct or the final result becomes inferior and the work will not see the light of day. I have been working with lines all week in my journal and the element has not been easy to work with.



Thank you to the artist Alessandro of for the comment on my Instagram account which has now formed the title of this post “Aura for the brain” . With the focus of my work based on the imaginative process of the brain and how I see these molecules of emotion Alessandro read the work correctly and that makes me very happy.



The daily journal work continues on Instagram, which has proven to be a successful venue for placing my  ideas out there. Here are a few more that may well progress on to finished works later this year. My  Instagram address is at sculptureuk_org


molecules of emotion 2016

1.Ink marker pen A4, 2016

Ink marker pen A4, drawing by Roger Gregory

2.Ink marker pen A4, 2016



3. Ink marker pen, 2016

We all know about colourful emotions, and these drawings represent a few which I have done this passed couple of days. My future pieces will be even more elaborate with such paintings being completed in chrome and old victorian gold. I will look forward to showing those…after my new studio is up and running.